Female menstrual products

Overlooked Menstrual Hygiene Access in Unorganised Sector

SOURCE: https://theprint.in/opinion/indias-menstrual-hygiene-efforts-sideline-women-from-unorganised-sector-govt-must-prioritise/1598340/

By Suryaprabha Sadasivan and Jija Dutt

In India, where nearly half the population comprises women and girls, the topic of menstrual health management, or MHM, continues to be under-prioritised. While conversations around menstrual hygiene and ‘period leaves’ are gaining traction in the urban workforce, within the realm of India’s informal labour sector, where over 90 per cent of lives intersect to drive the nation’s progress, an often-overlooked reality persists. A staggering number of women who form the bulk of this informal and unorganised workforce continue to face an uphill battle in accessing necessities, including clean toilets, adequate menstrual hygiene products, and awareness of their importance.

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May 28, 2023

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