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Green Hydrogen & AI will be New Buzzwords at COP28


By: Manash Neog and Swati Sudhakaran

The role of artificial intelligence in the optimisation of energy transition and production of green hydrogen is likely to be the buzz in the run-up to COP28 in Dubai and the 10th Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit. Green hydrogen is considered environmentally friendly because its production does not generate carbon emissions. This makes it a key element in efforts to decarbonise various sectors of the economy, particularly in industries where direct electrification is challenging. However, India faces several challenges in the quest to achieve its energy transition goals. There are apprehensions over resilience, scaling, and return on investments, all of which should be addressed at the COP28 meet, along with the myriad ways in which AI could provide solutions at scale.

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November 29, 2023

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